Sunday, November 1, 2015

Generate Entities from an Existing Database with Symfony and Doctrine

As said in a previous post, I am trying to see how easy is to create a Symfony bundle starting from an existing Database (like when you want to migrate an old app to Symfony). From Symfony documentation:

As the Doctrine tools documentation says, reverse engineering is a one-time process to get started on a project. Doctrine is able to convert approximately 70-80% of the necessary mapping information based on fields, indexes and foreign key constraints. Doctrine can't discover inverse associations, inheritance types, entities with foreign keys as primary keys or semantical operations on associations such as cascade or lifecycle events. Some additional work on the generated entities will be necessary afterwards to design each to fit your domain model specificities.

 Below the steps I made to generate entities from existing tables in database:

 1.  Change current path to home directory of my Symfony installation.
    Execute this command:

        php app/console doctrine:mapping:import --force CPANAClassifiedsBundle xml
    The metadata files are generated under "/src/CPANAClassifiedsBundle/Resources/config/doctrine/".   Delete .orm.xml files related to other tables than the ones related to your bundle

2.   Once the metadata files are generated, you can ask Doctrine to build related entity classes by executing   the following two commands.

        php app/console doctrine:mapping:convert annotation ./src/CPANA/ClassifiedsBundle

check if the data was exported into the correct path otherwise copy it to Entity directory.
        php app/console doctrine:generate:entities CPANAClassifiedsBundle

        NOTE:        If you want to have a one-to-many relationship, you will need to add it manually into the entity or to  the generated XML or YAML files. Add a section on the specific entities for one-to-many defining the   inversedBy and the mappedBy pieces.

3.  Delete the mapping generated by Doctrine in the directory "/src/CPANA/ClassifiedsBundle/Resources/config/doctrine".

You may need to clear the cache:
 php app/console doctrine:cache:clear-metadata
Also you need to modify the Ads entity to correctly point to your User entity. In my case:

     * @var \AppBundle\Entity\User
     * @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="AppBundle\Entity\User")
     * @ORM\JoinColumns({
     *   @ORM\JoinColumn(name="id_user", referencedColumnName="id")
     * })
    private $idUser;

    public function setIdUser(\AppBundle\Entity\User $idUser = null)

Testing how the model classes (entities)  generated by Doctrine work 

1. Add a new route to routing.yml

        path:     /classifieds/categories
        defaults: { _controller: CPANAClassifiedsBundle:Categories:index }

2. Add controller class CategoriesController.php:

    class CategoriesController extends Controller
        public function indexAction()
            $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getEntityManager();
            $allCategories = $em->getRepository('CPANAClassifiedsBundle:Category')->findAll();
            if (!$allCategories) {
                throw $this->createNotFoundException('Unable to find categories.');
            return $this->render('CPANAClassifiedsBundle:Categories:index.html.twig', array( 'all_cat' => $allCategories ) );

3. Add the index.html.twig view:

    {% extends 'CPANAClassifiedsBundle::layout.html.twig' %}

    {% block content %}
    <table style="width:100%">
        {% for category in all_cat %}
                <td>{{ category.getIdCategory() }}</td>
                <td>{{ category.getCategoryName() }}</td>
                {%  if category.getIdParent() != false  %}
                    <td>{{ category.getIdParent().getCategoryName() }}</td>
                {% else %}
                    <td>root category</td>
                {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
    {% endblock %}


Some explanations:

The foreign keys from my tables are transformed in objects holding the entire row for that foreign key id. Results from this that category.getIdParent() is returning an object. If you try to display that object you will get an error like "Catchable Fatal Error: "Object of class CPANA\ClassifiedsBundle\Entity\Category could not be converted to string"
So I will be displaying a certain property of that object, let's say CategoryName using the getter: "category.getIdParent().getCategoryName() ".

I had a problem because Doctrine transformed the column "parent_id" into "parent" field which is not good cause "parent" is a key word used by PHP. I had to alter the table and generate again the entities. I suppose Doctrine transformed "parent_id" to "parent" because of the default mapping logic:

5.11. Mapping Defaults

The @JoinColumn and @JoinTable definitions are usually optional and have sensible default values.
The defaults for a join column in a one-to-one/many-to-one association is as follows:

name: "<fieldname>_id"
referencedColumnName: "id"

As an example, consider this mapping:


    /** @OneToOne(targetEntity="Shipping") **/
    private $shipping;


This is essentially the same as the following, more verbose, mapping:


     * @OneToOne(targetEntity="Shipping")
     * @JoinColumn(name="shipping_id", referencedColumnName="id")
    private $shipping;


Friday, October 30, 2015

Symfony Classifieds Bundle - define requirements and database structure

 As settled in the previous post I will be defining the business requirements and based on those  create the database structure. Below is the current list of features I want to have in my app:

- anyone can see the ads (no login required)
- only REGISTERED USER can post ads
- minimum information about user: EMAIL, PASSWORD, PHONE, NAME, LASTNAME
- an user after login can manage his ads: see ADS LIST, EDIT(includes reactivate EXPIRED AD), DELETE buttons
- an USER can can  edit/modify/delete an AD after LOGIN
- an ad can be normal (free) or promoted. an ad is promoted for a period of time - after this time it becomes normal ad and it will expire as any ad.
- in the same page where you add/edit an ad you  can enter the code of your payment or promotional code which makes the ad to be upgraded to PROMOTED
- doing the payment is not in the scope of this project, could be an extension
- the ADMIN USER creates CATEGORIES and subcategories, USERS can post ads only in existing categories.
- a CATEGORY can be one of the main categories (no parent) or it can have a PARENT CATEGORY, in this case it is a subcategory.
- an unlimited number of levels of subcategories can be added by ADMIN
- an AD can be posted in just ONE CATEGORY
- an AD cannot be posted directly on a CATEGORY/SUBCATEGORY which has at least a SUBCATEGORY
- an AD EXPIRES after a certain period of time (it will not be displayed but still exist in the database).
- limit the number of ADS an USER can post in one day ( 30 should be enough).
- an AD contains: TITLE, CATEGORY, USER NAME (owner), USERs contact method (email/phone), PRICE, DESCRIPTION,
TAGS, PHOTOS, STATUS (active/expired) DATE when posted, calculated expiration date (not displayed), SPECIFIC ITEMS per CATEGORY defined by ADMIN
- a CATEGORY can have SPECIFIC ITEMS (fields) which will be inherited in any child SUBCATEGORY
(example: CAR category has items like Color, it will be present in sub-categories like "New Cars" and "Used Cars")
- ADMIN sets maximum number of PHOTOS and maximum PHOTO size. Application should come with default values.
- SEARCH feature directly in all records without selecting information like category/subcategory
- search by LOCATION
- ORDER BY function, with parameters: PRICE LOW, PRICE HIGH, NEWEST FIRST
- detailed SEARCH: CATEGORY, SUBCATEGORY (is any), price minimum, price maximum,CURRENCY
- ADMIN sets a BASE CURRENCY and any other accepted CURRENCIES, ADMIN sets conversion rate between BASE CURRENCY and the others
- have a MOST RECENT ADS view
- AD LOCATION country/region/city/city_area

For drawing the data model diagram I am using It very easy to use, you can save your work  directly on cloud or on your local computer.

I wrote the SQL for creating these tables in my MySQL installation :
                              Server version: 5.6.15-log - MySQL Community Server (GPL) )

#Category table, subcategories are categories with parent. Root categories have parent_id = NULL
CREATE TABLE category(
   category_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
   parent_id INT NULL,
   CONSTRAINT fk_parent_id_category
   FOREIGN KEY fk_parent_id (parent_id)
   REFERENCES category(id_category)

#SpecificItemsTypes table - specific items types are for example items type related to cars: year of production, no of kilometres, ABS,
#Or about an apartment: surface, year of construction, etc.
CREATE TABLE specific_items_types(
   id_specific_item_type INT  AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,
   item_type_name VARCHAR(50)

#SpecificItemsTypes_meta  -  meta table between "category" and "specific_items_types"
CREATE TABLE specific_items_types_meta(
    id_specific_meta INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,
    id_specific_item_type INT NOT NULL,
    id_category INT NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT fk_id_category
    FOREIGN KEY fk_id_category (id_category)
    REFERENCES category(id_category),
    CONSTRAINT fk_id_specific_item_type
    FOREIGN KEY fk_id_specific_item_type (id_specific_item_type)
    REFERENCES specific_items_types(id_specific_item_type)

#SpecificItems  -  holds the values for the actual items. for example specific item "surface" will have FK id 2 and value yes.
CREATE TABLE specific_items(
    id_specific_item INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,
    id_specific_item_type INT NOT NULL,
    item_value VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT fk_id_ads
    FOREIGN KEY fk_id_ads (id_ads)
    REFERENCES ads(id_ads),
    CONSTRAINT fk_id_specific_item_types
    FOREIGN KEY fk_id_specific_item_type (id_specific_item_type)
    REFERENCES specific_items_types(id_specific_item_type)

#Currencies table
CREATE TABLE currencies(
    currency_name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
    base_currency TINYINT(1) NOT NULL,
    convertion_rate FLOAT(10,2) NOT NULL,
    enabled TINYINT(1) NOT NULL

    id_user INT NOT NULL,
    id_city_area INT NOT NULL,
    id_category INT NOT NULL,
    id_currency INT NOT NULL,
    title VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
    description VARCHAR(500) NOT NULL,
    price BIGINT NOT NULL,
    email VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    phone_number VARCHAR(20),
    path_photos VARCHAR(1024),
    created_at DATETIME NOT NULL,
    expires_at DATETIME NOT NULL,
    spam  TINYINT(1) NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT fk_id_user
    FOREIGN KEY fk_id_user (id_user)
    REFERENCES fos_user(id),
    CONSTRAINT fk_id_city_area
    FOREIGN KEY fk_id_city_area (id_city_area)
    REFERENCES city_areas(id_city_area),
    CONSTRAINT fk_id_currency
    FOREIGN KEY fk_id_currency(id_currency)
    REFERENCES currencies(id_currency)   ,
    CONSTRAINT fk_id_categories
    FOREIGN KEY fk_id_categories(id_category)
    REFERENCES category(id_category) 


#PromotedAsPayment - under construction!!
CREATE TABLE promoted_ads_payment(
   id_promoted_ads_payment INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,
   payment_code VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
   payment_date DATETIME NOT NULL,
   expiration_date_promo DATETIME NOT NULL,
   CONSTRAINT fk_id_ads_promo
   FOREIGN KEY fk_id_ads (id_ads)
   REFERENCES ads(id_ads)

CREATE TABLE countries(
    country_code VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL,
    country_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL

    id_country INT NOT NULL,
    region_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT fk_id_country
    FOREIGN KEY fk_id_country (id_country)
    REFERENCES countries(id_country)

    id_region INT NOT NULL,
    city_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT fk_id_region
    FOREIGN KEY fk_id_region (id_region)
    REFERENCES regions(id_region)

#City Areas
CREATE TABLE city_areas(
    id_city INT NOT NULL,
    city_area_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT fk_id_city
    FOREIGN KEY fk_id_city (id_city)
    REFERENCES cities(id_city)
I also inserted some data to some tests for now, (I will create some data fixtures later).
Please see below sources from where I taken countries list, list of regions in France, list of cities in France (some editing is needed before putting those in my tables)
For the other fields(ads, currencies, catergories)  I used my imagination


Some queries to test my data model:

#Select category name and specific items allocated to it
SELECT   c.category_name
from  category as c
    INNER JOIN specific_items_types_meta as meta
        ON meta.id_category=c.id_category
    INNER JOIN specific_items_types as i
        ON meta.id_specific_item_type = i.id_specific_item_type
WHERE c.category_name="cars";

#SELECT a complete AD from all tables related (without specific items)
SELECT    a.title
        , a.description
        , a.price
        , c.currency_name
        , a.phone_number
        , ca.city_area_name
        , a.expires_at
FROM ads AS a
    INNER JOIN currencies AS c
        ON c.id_currency=a.id_currency
    INNER JOIN fos_user AS u
    INNER JOIN city_areas AS ca
        ON a.id_city_area  = ca.id_city_area
WHERE a.id_ads=1

#SELECT specific_items for an AD
SELECT    a.id_ads
        , a.title
        , sit.item_type_name
        , si.item_value
FROM specific_items AS si
    INNER JOIN ads AS a
        ON a.id_ads = si.id_ads
    INNER JOIN specific_items_types AS sit
        ON si.id_specific_item_type = sit.id_specific_item_type

WHERE a.id_ads=1;

Monday, October 26, 2015

database first vs code first and InnoDB vs MyISAM

I started a new project from scratch, creating a Classifieds Ads  bundle for Symfony 2. It will be available on Github at this link:

"chicken or the egg" => "database first vs code first"

With all the efforts done to decouple applications from storage (database) you could say that I should write code first.  That is correct, just that I want to see how easy is to write a Symfony bundle starting from an existing database, like when you have an old application and you want to migrate it to Symfony.

I extracted from stackoverflow two advices on the process of building an application:

1.  Begin by writing down every function of your site. Define which objects you'll need and sketch the relationships between those objects. Design your database only when you have this information ready. It makes it a lot easier to see which tables  are needed (generally one table per object type) and which relationship fields you'll need.

2. Your logical data model should effectively capture the business requirements of your application. Your physical database design should be based on the logical data model combined with the necessary changes that you as a DBA feel are needed to maximize the efficiencies of your RDBMS.

If you are finding that you have to make numerous changes to the underlying database design through out the software development life cycle of your application it is indicative of two things:

    - Scope creep - You're allowing new requirements to be introduced at an inappropriate time.
   -  Insufficient Business Requirements - Your data modeler(s) (or system analysts) did not sufficiently translate the requirements from the business analysts. This resulted in an incomplete or incorrect data model to support the requirements of your application.

That being said once an application has been turned over to production it is not uncommon to have to go back and make iterative changes to the data model to support the natural evolution of the application or underlying business processes.

OK, so I will first define the business requirements and after this is done design the Entity-Relationship Diagram.  Another question arises, should I use foreign keys? InnoDB vs MyISAM?

Another piece of wisdom from stackoverflow users about foreign keys:
"A database schema without FK constraints is like driving without a seat belt."
"Foreign keys help enforce referential integrity at the data level. They also improve performance because they're normally indexed by default.  can't imagine designing a database without foreign keys. Without them, eventually you are bound to make a mistake and corrupt the integrity of your data. They are not required, strictly speaking, but the benefits are huge. "
Below an argumentation on using InnoDB taken from here:

"Always use InnoDB by default.

In modern versions of MySQL, that is 5.1 and 5.5, you should use InnoDB. In MySQL 5.1, you should enable the InnoDB plugin. In MySQL 5.5, the InnoDB plugin is enabled by default so just use it.
The advice years ago was that MyISAM was faster in many scenarios. But that is no longer true if you use a current version of MySQL.
There may be some exotic corner cases where MyISAM performs marginally better for certain workloads (e.g. table-scans, or high-volume INSERT-only work), but the default choice should be InnoDB unless you can prove you have a case that MyISAM does better.
Advantages of InnoDB besides the support for transactions and foreign keys that is usually mentioned include:
  • InnoDB is more resistant to table corruption than MyISAM.
  • Row-level locking. In MyISAM, readers block writers and vice-versa.
  • Support for large buffer pool for both data and indexes. MyISAM key buffer is only for indexes.
  • MyISAM is stagnant; all future development will be in InnoDB.
Virtually the only reason to use MyISAM in current versions is for FULLTEXT indexes. And that's due to be supported in InnoDB in MySQL 5.6 (update: indeed InnoDB supports FULLTEXT in 5.6, but it's pretty buggy still, as of 5.6.13)."

Monday, October 12, 2015

PHP algorithm problem

Since I started to study PHP I focused on OOP, good practices, tools (Composer, Git), frameworks, integrating with other technologies etc. I was looking over a job listing and in order to be able to send your CV they were asking to solve a problem:

"Function f(n) counts how many times  character "1" appears in numbers from 1 to n.
 Example:  f(1)=1, f(2)=1, f(12)=5.
Question: What is the next "n" value for  which  f(n)=n?"

I've learned a lot about algorithms in high school and university using Pascal and C to implement them, but I never used PHP for this kind of task.

I wrote a small program and as usually opened the browser to see the results.


function f($n)
    return $count;
    echo "n=". $n ." f(n)= " .f($n) ."<br>";

The code was generating correctly the results for f(n) but after 200s  stopped without finding the number I was looking for:

n=6149 f(n)= 2885
n=6150 f(n)= 2886
n=6151 f(n)= 2888
n=6152 f(n)= 2889
n=6153 f(n)= 2890
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 200 seconds exceeded in C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyPHP-DevServer-14.1VC11\data\localweb\test\index3.php on line 8

 ( I had set the maximum execution time to 200 seconds some times ago when I was doing a script which was downloading RSS feeds ).

OK, I will modify the script to save the output on a text file and I  will execute it from command line: C:\mypath\php script.php

$myfile = fopen("f(n).txt", "a") or die("Unable to open file!");
function f($n)
    return $count;

    fwrite($myfile,"n=". $n ." f(n)= " .f($n) .PHP_EOL );

After I while I checked and the script was still runnig!!!  I started to think it is a trick question, maybe there is no number which solves the equation.

Maybe recursion will be faster??!! ... I did a recursive version of the script and using microtime() function I compared the speed for n=100  with the iterative version:

$time_start = microtime(true);

function f($n)
    if($n==1) {
        return 1;
    } else {
        return substr_count((string)$n,'1') + f($n-1);

    echo "n=". $n ."  f(n)=" . f($n) ."<br>";
    if($n==100) break;

$time_end = microtime(true);
$execution_time = ($time_end - $time_start);
echo "execution time=". $execution_time . "<br>";

Result for recursive:
     n=99 f(n)=20
     execution time=0.15200901031494

Result for iteration:

    n=99 f(n)=20
    execution time=0.054003000259399

So recursivity  is not the answer ...I need to rethink the way how I compute f(n) using the values already obtained and not taking it from scratch at each iteration.
Below is the solution, I used saving to file and execute  the script from command line because I was thinking that sill will take a lot of time, but no, it was lightning fast:

$myfile = fopen("rapid.txt", "a") or die("Unable to open file!");
$time_start = microtime(true);
    $fn=$fn + substr_count((string)$n,'1');
    fwrite($myfile,"n=". $n ." f(n)= " .$fn .PHP_EOL );

$execution_time = (microtime(true) - $time_start);
fwrite($myfile, $execution_time);

    n=199981 f(n)= 199981

I am not sure how relevant is this script for the activity at the respective job, but it was nice to  revisit algorithms.

Friday, October 9, 2015

SOLID principles

From Wikipedia:   In computer programming, SOLID (Single responsibility, Open-closed, Liskov substitution, Interface segregation and Dependency inversion) is a mnemonic acronym introduced by Michael Feathers for the "first five principles" named by Robert C. Martin in the early 2000s.

Initial Stands for
S SRP [4]
Single responsibility principle
a class should have only a single responsibility (i.e. only one potential change in the software's specification should be able to affect the specification of the class)
O OCP [5]
Open/closed principle
“software entities … should be open for extension, but closed for modification.”
L LSP [6]
Liskov substitution principle
“objects in a program should be replaceable with instances of their subtypes without altering the correctness of that program.” See also design by contract.
I ISP [7]
Interface segregation principle
“many client-specific interfaces are better than one general-purpose interface.”[8]
D DIP [9]
Dependency inversion principle
one should “Depend upon Abstractions. Do not depend upon concretions.”[8]
And going more in detail with Dependency Inversion, the principle states:
A. High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions.
B. Abstractions should not depend on details. Details should depend on abstractions.

Abstraction dependency

The presence of abstractions to accomplish DIP have other design implications in an Object Oriented program:
  • All concrete class packages must connect only through interface/abstract classes packages.
  • No class should derive from a concrete class.
  • No method should override an implemented method.[5]
  • All variable instantiation requires the implementation of a Creational pattern as the Factory Method or the Factory pattern, or the more complex use of a Dependency Injection framework.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Back to basics - Ajax autocomplete search with PHP, JQuery and MySQL

Working with Symfony is hiding some details from what happens under the hood. I decided to revisit some topics without frameworks.

I found this very nice tutorial about creating an AJAX autocomplete search:

The only things that I would add to this tutorial is that you can see each request and eventual errors using Firebug

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

BasicBlogBundle - Functional Testing with PHPUnit

Reading about testing controllers in Symfony I found this post on stackoverflow which brings arguments that controller shouldn't be unit tested:

It makes sense, I will than write functional tests for my controllers.Working with PHPUnit and Symfony (how I did):

1. Install PHPUnit

Install PHPUnit globally on your machine following the instructions found here:

2. Configuration
In "app" directory  there is the file phpunit.xml.dist
Make a copy of it and rename it to phpunit.xml
Do any changes you consider necessary inside of it (I didn't changed anything).
Under "\src\CPANA\BasicBlogBundle\Tests\Controller" Symfony adds an example test class: DefaultControllerTest.php. I've edited that file to test by BlogController class:

3. Write your test class
The test will verify if the the requested page contains the word "blog" which is in the title of the page expected.

class BlogControllerTest extends WebTestCase
    public function testIndex()
        $client = static::createClient();
        $client->request('GET', '/blog');
        $crawler = $client->request('GET', '/blog');

4.Run PHPUnit
Open command prompt, navigate to the folder where Symfony is installed. Run command:
    phpunit -c app "src/CPANA/BasicBlogBundle/"> "phpunitLog.txt"

this command will log the output in a text file. Review the log file found in the root path of Symfony.
If you are lucky the output will look like this:

PHPUnit 4.8.8 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

.Time: 4.89 seconds, Memory: 24.75Mb

OK (1 test, 1 assertion)

Next challenge should be to test aspects that depend on the interaction with the database: