My situation is like this: I have an entity Ticket (like a support ticket) and an entity Action. I am using the Action objects to track any updates on Ticket objects.
Each time a Ticket is updated I want to create and persist a new Action object. The newly created Action object should contain the Ticket (there is a ManyToOne relation between Action and Ticket), and a note saying "The property X changed. The new value is: Y".
Looking over the available Doctrine events, my first
thought was that preUpdate should be right for the job:
preUpdate - The preUpdate event occurs before the database
update operations to entity data. It is not called for a DQL UPDATE statement
nor when the computed changeset is empty.
Reading more in detail the
documentation I found that
preUpdate event has many limitations:
- PreUpdate is the most restrictive to use event, since it is called
right before an update statement is called for an entity inside the
- Changes to associations of the passed entities are not
recognized by the flush operation anymore.
- Any calls to EntityManager#persist()
, even in combination with the UnitOfWork
API are strongly discouraged and don’t work as expected outside the
flush operation.
According the documentation I cannot persist a new object in this event, which is exactly what I need, to persist a new Action object.
After some more reading the right event for job appeared:
OnFlush is a very powerful event. It is called inside
after the changes to all the managed
entities and their associations have been computed. This means, the
event has access to the sets of:
Entities scheduled for update
If you create and persist a new entity in onFlush
, then
calling EntityManager#persist()
is not enough.
You have to execute an additional call to
$unitOfWork->computeChangeSet($classMetadata, $entity)
So in this event I have access the UnitOfWork, which means I get access to all entities scheduled to be updated and also I can persist a new object doing that additional call. Great!
In my Symfony project I've created a new listener class called TicketListener with a method onFlush:
use Doctrine\ORM\Event\OnFlushEventArgs;
class TicketListener {
public function onFlush(OnFlushEventArgs $args)
And registered it as a service with Doctrine tag:
class: MyBundle\EventListeners\TicketListener
arguments: []
- { name: doctrine.event_listener, event: onFlush }
Using the OnFlushEventArgs we can access the Entity Manager and the UnitOfWork.
$em = $args->getEntityManager();
$uow = $em->getUnitOfWork();
$entities = $uow->getScheduledEntityUpdates();
From the entities scheduled to be updated I am interested only on those who are instance of Ticket entity.
if ($entity instanceof Ticket) { ..
Using the
UnitOfWork API we have access to the changes which happend to the Ticket object:
$changes_set = $uow->getEntityChangeSet($entity);
The method
getEntityChangeSet($entity) returns an array, where the keys are the name of the properties who changed.
When accessing an array key, you get another array with 2 positions [0] and [1], [0] contains the old value, [1] contains the new value.
In order to persist the new object, additionally to $em->persist() the following code need to be excuted
$classMetadata = $em->getClassMetadata('MyBundle\Entity\Action');
$uow->computeChangeSet($classMetadata, $action);
Below is the complete example:
public function onFlush(OnFlushEventArgs $args)
$em = $args->getEntityManager();
$uow = $em->getUnitOfWork();
// get only the entities scheduled to be updated
$entities = $uow->getScheduledEntityUpdates();
foreach ($entities as $entity) {
//continue only if the object to be updated is a Ticket
if ($entity instanceof Ticket) {
//get all the changed properties of the Ticket object
$changes_set = $uow->getEntityChangeSet($entity);
$changes = array_keys($changes_set);
foreach ($changes as $changed_property) {
$action = new Action();
$text = ucfirst($changed_property) . ' changed! New value: ' . $changes_set[$changed_property][1];
$classMetadata = $em->getClassMetadata('MyBundle\Entity\Action');
$uow->computeChangeSet($classMetadata, $action);
This article was very helpful for me: