Reading about testing controllers in Symfony I found this post on stackoverflow which brings arguments that controller shouldn't be unit tested:
It makes sense, I will than write functional tests for my controllers.Working with PHPUnit and Symfony (how I did):
1. Install PHPUnit
Install PHPUnit globally on your machine following the instructions found here:
2. Configuration
In "app" directory there is the file phpunit.xml.dist
Make a copy of it and rename it to phpunit.xml
Do any changes you consider necessary inside of it (I didn't changed anything).
Under "\src\CPANA\BasicBlogBundle\Tests\Controller" Symfony adds an example test class: DefaultControllerTest.php. I've edited that file to test by BlogController class:
3. Write your test class
The test will verify if the the requested page contains the word "blog" which is in the title of the page expected.
class BlogControllerTest extends WebTestCase
public function testIndex()
$client = static::createClient();
$client->request('GET', '/blog');
$crawler = $client->request('GET', '/blog');
4.Run PHPUnit
Open command prompt, navigate to the folder where Symfony is installed. Run command:
phpunit -c app "src/CPANA/BasicBlogBundle/"> "phpunitLog.txt"
this command will log the output in a text file. Review the log file found in the root path of Symfony.
If you are lucky the output will look like this:
PHPUnit 4.8.8 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
.Time: 4.89 seconds, Memory: 24.75Mb
OK (1 test, 1 assertion)
Next challenge should be to test aspects that depend on the interaction with the database: